07 February 2012

6 days in
{a little perspective}

This is vlcd day 6.  I haven't died.
And I haven't eaten out, so part of me feels like it's dying.
I have to keep telling myself
 "nothing tastes as good as skinny feels"
"it will all be worth it, it will all be worth it, it will all be worth it."

Shoot, this is hard.
I want to eat and I am highly irritable about it.
I sure hope that aspect gets easier.
A lot easier.

You know the saying that there are two kinds of people; those that eat to live and those that live to eat.  Yeah, I'm in that second category.

I hope to arrive on the other side of this with a significantly decreased desire to eat fast food, snack all the time, emotionally eat, and eat out of boredom or just because I can.  I want to eliminate my cravings, my palate, my likes and dislikes, my preferred foods of choice, and be better equipped to feed my family healthy meals.

I mean, we're not horrible eaters by any means.
By most standards we're fairly "crunchy" and eat pretty healthy.
My husband was diagnosed with ::celiac disease:: four years ago.  That did a lot to change some of our family's eating habits but there is still tons of room for improvement.
One of my greatest roadblocks is I'm a southern girl through and through.  I grew up on meat and potatos, vegetables cooked to death (often in fat and/or sugar), and casseroles.  That's how I learned to cook.

I can see that I'm already learning to be a bit more creative, but I am going to need to learn creativity with a lot of foods, not just these select few.  But I am trusting that will come with time.

For me personally, another huge aspect is spiritual.  I've not really mentioned spirituality on here so far, but the truth is that my faith is the absolute bedrock of my life.  I know some of my body image issues and eating issues have emotional and spiritual roots that need to be dealt with during this time.

I firmly believe that this is the "right" time for me to be doing the hcg diet and I also believe the severe restrictions are serving a huge purpose in helping me deal with some of these things.  I believe it is an answer to prayer.

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