05 October 2012

{round 2...a little update...8 months later}

Not that it seems like anyone reads this or anything...
so maybe just for my own posterity.   :)

It's been 8 months since I started R1 (round 1) back last February.  I stayed on hcg for 62 days, a technically off-protocol, extra long round.  I was still losing, and found my "groove" so to speak, so I stayed on it as long as I could mentally handle it.  I knew for me, it was so hard, that I didn't want to have to do multiple rounds.  I have several plateau-memory weights that it would take me awhile to get past, so really...the whole process just took awhile.  In hindsight, I am so, so glad I did the long round, but it was probably the hardest thing I've ever done.  I learned a lot about myself, my eating habits, and made some real changes.  I ended up losing a total of 32 pounds.  Wahoo!  I went into the spring and summer feeling so much more confident in the way I looked.  My last dose weight was around 118.something or the other.  I seemed to stabilize fairly well.  Not within the 2 lbs Simeons talks about, but within the 5 lbs the long-time moderator of the yahoo group I'm a part of says is more normal now in our chemical and hormone-laden food environment.

I had always tentatively thought I may possibly do another round in October.  I knew there were at least another 10, maybe even 15 pounds I'd like to lose.  Like I mentioned earlier, my pre-baby weight was 103, but I was only 17 then, so I don't know that it would still be a healthy weight for me now at 32.  Regardless, I know 118 is still a bit high for me, I can still see noticeable belly fat, not just baby flab, so I figured if I could wrap my brain around it I'd try it again.

As the summer went on, and the kids were super busy, I found myself eating fast food more and ahem...indulging more often.  My weight was still around 123, so not too bad, but I could tell it was slowly creeping up...so round 2 it is.

I kind of got into a pre-loading mindset the week before I planned to begin, so my total pre-loading and "official" loading gain was a little over 4 lbs, but that was still almost 9 lbs over my LDW (last dose weight) so even now, on vlcd 5, I'm still now down to my LDW from R1, but it is what it is and I think overall I've done fairly well.  Learning to change a lifetime of eating habits, emotional eating, boredom eating, stress eating (which I've realized this summer may just be my main trigger) and also change one's palate is a process.  I'm in it for the long haul.   :)    

This time my youngest sister is a partner in misery joining me, so somehow that makes it better.  I will say, while I've had my moments, round 2 is proving SO much easier on me mentally than round 1.  I know anticipating it to be a short(er) round and the excitement of getting my weight down into territory I've not seen since my late teens is exciting!

So there you have it.